Empty milk bottle + handful of rice. Simple. But...

Dear Milk Bottle,
For months you have been left discarded in our toy cupboard. You’ve been unloved since fancier, more exciting and younger toys came along.
But today, beloved Milk Bottle, you came out of your dusty cupboard. You provided relief from Storm Dennis with your soulful noise of rice bashing against your plastic sides. You provided a glorious soundtrack to the already noisy wind and rain outside, whilst Joey danced in appreciation.
So, thank you, Milk Bottle... For always being there, even if we sometimes forget about you. Other bottles may come along, but we shall (probably) never replace you. Despite your imperfections and the wear and tear you suffer, we still love you.
Lauren & Joey x
P.S. it was NOT a rain dance. Please can the rain stop now? Ta.