Each year we begin working on our Christmas sensory boxes months in advance, and it's always such a joy to see what everyone's reaction is. So far, these have been a roaring success! The first 20 orders are eligible for a free gift worth £12.99, so they were snapped up!

Light up maraca
As soon as my two boys started playing with the light up maraca, I knew it was a winner! The colours change through blues and reds and will be sure to captivate little ones of all ages. Try practising some eye strengthening activities using this, including moving the maraca from side to side in front of your little one's face - it's a great one to help with tummy time too! For older ones, try shaking them to the music, maybe to some Christmas songs, to hear the different sounds it makes. Naming the different colours can be fun for older children too. For young babies, lying them on the foil blanket and moving the maraca around them will mean that the lights bounce around them, creating a lovely entrancing sensory environment!

Gold and silver foil blanket There's a reason this item features in most of our boxes; it's very versatile! Place your little one in the middle of the blanket when folded out and play peekaboo around them with it by lifting up the corners in time to the music! The noise and reflections will captivate them. For older children, it can be the perfect starting point for a fort.

Stretch tube
These items can be used in all sorts of play activities - just making different types of noises with them alone is great fun! Stretching them makes a funny sound, as does using them like a trumpet. Sit in front of your little one and, if they are old enough, ask them to copy what you do - then explore it yourself! See if they can copy, or if they find new ways to enjoy it too. These are awesome in the bath too.

Wrist bell rattle These rattles can help boost concentration, improve eye muscles and increase auditory awareness. Strap them onto your little ones wrists and encourage them to move them from side to side to the beat of the music. You can even wear one yourself and show them how it's done! Siblings can help out too, whether that's by wearing them or by gently helping them move their wrists.

Cinnamon stick & dried orange slice This year, we've combined two festive scents to bring you a smelly bag that you'll all enjoy. For babies, you can place your baby in front of you and encourage them to reach for the little bag and sniff it! You can also help boost your baby's memory by hiding the stick under a scarf or blanket, and ask them to try and find it.
For older ones, you can ask them to try and identify the smell and see what they think it would go well with (a great excuse for a hot chocolate!).

Gingerbread scented bubble tube
If it's the first time your little one has played with bubbles, watch them use their problem solving skills as they discover that bubbles actually pop! Blow them in front of your little one and encourage them to reach out for them, perhaps whilst sat on the foil blanket and swaying to some music.

Pom pom Who doesn't love a bit of cheerleading! Dangle these over younger babies so they try and reach for the pom pom, or allow older ones to make up a Christmas themed dance with them! Given the size of the pom poms too, you can try some hide and seek games, whether that's by hiding some toys inside the pom pom or hiding your face from little one!

Crinkle ball These balls do a great job reflecting light, whilst also creating lots of noise when squeezed! They're ideal for tummy time as they look so unusual to look at. For older ones, they're fun to use during throwing games!
Be sure to keep these out of mouths and out of reach of pets too, as they're very tempting to them.

Gold tipped feather We LOVE feathers. But these aren't our usual soft and fluffy type. They're a firmer feather, which are lots of fun when it comes to tickling games or songs pointing out different body parts. Older ones will enjoy using the feather on themselves or on you! You can play lots of games with these but my two love pointing at different fridge magnets in our kitchen, or using them to point at different guesses when playing 'I Spy'.
These boxes come personalised as standard with your little ones name on the front and comes giftwrapped with your choice of 3 different options (Santas, Multicharacters and Pandas). 10% of the proceeds of each box will be donated to Sands Charity, with each box containing a leaflet on who Sands are and what they do.
Lauren & family x