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Jan 16, 2023
How to play with: Tuff Trays
Over the last few years, tuff trays and sensory play have gone hand in hand for those with little ones. Whether it's elaborate setups...

Jun 29, 2021
Tuff Tray Ideas - Wet Play
Here are my favourite wet play activities on tuff trays for the boys!

Jun 13, 2020
Homemade Sensory: the foil box
The foil blankets that we use in our sensory boxes are really quite big, so when we need a little rustle for Zack, it can be quite tricky to

May 23, 2020
Homemade sensory: the cereal box
Entertaining toddlers is... hard at the best of times. Let alone when you've just welcomed a new baby who is incredibly noisy.

Mar 23, 2020
At home: toy rotation
I wanted to share with you a new ‘thing’ we’re doing with Joey. It’s a form of Toy Rotation. Now, Joey has lots of toys (very spoilt by our

Feb 16, 2020
Homemade sensory: the milk bottle shaker
Empty milk bottle + handful of rice. Simple. But...

Dec 19, 2019
At home: The Christmas Sensory Tray
It's the most wonderful time of the year! We've been thinking of ways to use Joey's new Tuff Tray for him to explore new sensory items,...

Dec 11, 2019
At home: sensory water beads
I've long been interested in trying sensory water beads with Joey, mostly because I was curious as to what they'd feel like myself! But if y

Aug 19, 2019
Tutorial: Making your own sensory board
I've had lots of questions over the last few months about sensory boards and how to make them at home. We made one for Joey's first...

Jun 2, 2019
My top tips for a great 'sensory lesson'...
How can you make the most of your sensory play time at home? My top tips help show you how!
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