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Frequently asked questions

We love hearing questions from parents, family and friends buying our sensory boxes for their little ones. So, we thought we'd put some of our most commonly asked questions and answers below.


What is sensory play?

Sensory play is any activity that stimulates one or more of your baby's senses. We all use our five senses to explore and make sense of the world around us. We look, listen, touch, smell and taste. And babies do exactly the same. Sensory exploration is not only fun for babies and children, but it's essential for their brain development too.

How have the items been chosen for the boxes?

We've spent a long time researching the best items to include in boxes, as well as doing lots of testing with our own Chief Product Tester, Joey, plus other babies up and down the country. 
Each item stimulates multiple senses for baby, as well as being high quality and safe for babies. 
We're always looking for new products to include and will provide updates and information on this as we go!

Why should I buy one of your boxes?

Our boxes have been put together with the enjoyment of you and your baby in mind, as well as baby's development. We came up with the idea in 2018 and haven't looked back as they have been flying off our shelves! 
We pride ourselves on the quality and service, so do get in touch if something isn't quite right and we'll sort it for you.

How long will my box take to arrive?

Your box will be shipped via Royal Mail (UK shipping ONLY), and is expected to take 3-5 working days from confirmation of your order. For more information on this, please email us on

What experience/knowledge do you have about baby development?

As a first-time Mum, I see day-to-day changes in Joey that I read about in baby development books and in articles that I read online. I spend my spare time researching baby development, and have developed these boxes with the help of other Mums and Dads who have more experience - from teachers, to social workers, SEN teachers etc... They say it takes a village to raise a child, and that's true of creating a business too! By collaborating with other Mums and Dads with various backgrounds, I'm confident our boxes are suitable for babies and children with a variety of interests and needs.

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